
Where’s my pants?

If you’ve read my blog up until now, you know that we take high-quality senior photos pretty seriously around here…we believe in giving our clients the very best we have to offer! But, we also have a ton of fun, and sometimes, hysterical things happen! For example, I had a client start their shoot, and nearly step on a snake! Another time, we were shooting in a rural field, and never saw the hunter in camo in the tree next to us (he wasn’t too pleased to have company!). But one of the funniest and strangest moments happened last summer, with Dyllan of Albion High School. We lost his pants. Yep, lost. Gone, never to be found! He was changing from one outfit to the next, and went to change back into his jeans, and they were nowhere to be found! Apparently, in our caravan to multiple locations, they were lost in the shuffle, and even when his mom went back to search, she had no luck! I must hand it to him, though, because even with the 110% humidity and the loss of his jeans, he just rolled with the punches!

This young man is a pretty flexible person; after challenges in high school, he has become very open about how he hopes to use his own experience with anxiety to help others who are struggling. My heart was so full thinking of the good he will do in the future…my seniors become like my “kids”, and I can’t wait to see what this one will do. I feel grateful his mom chose me to capture his high school years, and feel especially lucky that he did two sessions with me. His summer session will always be the one that makes me giggle, and I still look for those missing jeans whenever I drive by that location!

  1. Joy Hamilton says:

    As usual, I love the photos and especially the end one of the sax and the sunset. It reminded me of the sun setting on a life of now BUT there will be another rising and it too will be a wonderful day of success for Dyllan

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