
Cuteness overload!



It’s been a while since I have done a “personal” blog post.   Many photographers or business owners blog everything about their daily lives to their clients, but I am a bit of a private girl….and truthfully I’m not sure how exciting my everyday life is!   In January I DID have a SUPER exciting day…and here’s why!

I have mentioned many times how wonderful my husband is but on January 24th he proved it 120%!  We have had many doggers over our 18 years of marriage.  The first was gotten on our honeymoon….a Saint Bernard.  My husband wanted a Saint and thought we should name him Ralphie.  So of course the overjoyed newly wed that I was was on board!  My whole life on the farm we had dogs…sometimes as many as 6!  So I thought no biggie.  OMG, was I wrong.  I had never had a dog LIVE in my house!  It was a little bit of an adjustment, but then factor is his size, his hair and his drool….it was a major adjustment!  Thankfully I adjusted fine (but not after he ATE a chair! LOL) and we enjoyed Ralphie’s company and security for 10 years!  All the other dogs that we have had since and with Ralphie were a rescued lovable Golden Retriever mix named Clayton, then a sweet Golden Retriever named Gordy…both who died at the young age of 6 due to cancer, (and both losses were so hard for me) and then we got our current dogger Buddy who I adore and is a rescued Black Lab mix. Then almost 3 years ago my oldest daughter begged for a little dog.  We made a deal with her, if you stop sucking your thumb we will get whatever  dog you want.  NOTE TO PARENTS…never say whatever you want!  LOL She picked a Puggle, a Pug and Beagle mix.  A dear friend has a puggle too, and  her dog Howie is the sweetest dog ever!   We thought- little dog and sweet like Howie…sure!  My daughter named her Lady Lou Luft and a few weeks after arriving we realized she is the CRAZIEST little dog ever!  LOL She tends to provide a bit of stress in my everyday life and a bit of extra work for me.  Although Lady isn’t our normal big dog, I have grown to love her….when she is sleeping! (and just today she took a whole bottle of brand new vitamin E pills and chewed them!) She is crazy I tell you! 🙂

So on January 24th my day started at 1:45am in no way any parents wants to start the day….”Mom my stomach hurts.”  My poor oldest had been hit with the stomach bug.  🙁   She and I went downstairs so the rest of the family could sleep and I nursed her through the night.  My husband had made plans for our family to meet with some of his former co-workers for breakfast that morning so when morning came I told him he should go by himself and I will stay home with the kids.  After all we all know when one child has it, at any minute another could go down at any second with the same “bug”!  My hubby insisted he take our youngest children and I worried that they could get hit with the bug when they got an hour away.  While they were gone my daughter and I both got a little nap and I did some laundry and recovered from my “all nighter.”  A couple hours later he texted me to ask how our daughter was…and then I asked how the other two were.  He texted back that our youngest was “going down hill fast.  Stomach bug #2 is hitting. Be there in 10 minutes.” Oh yay.  What every mom wants to hear.  So I prepped the other living room couch, as daughter number 1 was still crashed on the other one.   I cover it with the blankets,  get a bucket, glass of water, and tissues…all the things needed for the “bug”.  I waited for their arrival and prepared for a long day.  When they pull in the driveway  I headed out to help get her and bring her in.  I was still in my pajama pants and looking rough from my long night.   I just wanted to get her inside so she could rest…..and THIS is what happened next!  (and you can see our Sweet Buddy boy in the back ground!) 🙂

Yes, folks that ranks right up there with the day I was married and had my children in some of the happiest days of my life!  (yes, this was even better than meeting Luke!) You see my whole life I have always wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog.  They are a bit of an expensive investment and I could never justify spending that amount on a dog.  Last year we actually went to dog show and spoke with a breeder…but again I could not justify it.  Not with a mortgage, kids, truck payment, etc.  I had decided that a Bernese would be my retirement present someday to myself.

My husband in November secretly contacted a breeder in Corning, NY….ironically blocks from where my grandmother had lived and my mother was raised.  My husband made all the arrangements to buy a puppy.  I HAD NO IDEA!  In our house I do all the bills so he had to secretly save some money and borrow money from his parents for the payment of the dogger!  (don’t worry we paid them back! :))   He seriously is the BEST!!!! What he went through to keep this a secret melts my heart.   Every time I look at that sweet puppy I think of my husband!

So I would like to introduce you to my newest dream come true fur baby Hairy “Truman” Newman Luft.  Yes, he deserves four names!  We just call him Truman but he is the sweetest little thing ever!!!   (and he is not that little any more!  25+ pounds already!)  He is as soft as he looks folks and is as floppy as a stuff animal!  These are some of the pictures of his first few weeks with us!  We are working hard to train him and I hope to make him a therapy dog to take into our local VA hospital and many other hospitals and nursing homes in the area.  He truly is a dream come true to me!  Truly.  I wanted to share his cuteness with you all in hopes of bringing some smiles! 🙂  Nothing makes  you smile more than a puppy!  I don’t mind sharing him with you! 🙂


PS….My oldest was the ONLY victim, thankfully, to the bug! 🙂  Til next time! LOL


 Here’s my handsome boy and my sweet babies!



You know you are dying right now for the cuteness!  The snow was even sparkling!




One month with us!




The first day he arrived! His little paw in my daughter’s hand.

This is a VERY real life blog post!  Me in pajama pants and my daughter in the clothes she dressed herself in!  Keeping it real! 🙂


Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Laura Luft Photography


LOOK at that FACE!!!!




  1. Lori says:

    I love, love, love this story!! ☺️ And the video gets me EVERY TIME! Tears. Lol I love this family!! ❤️

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